Badge October Revolution
Memories of the october anniversaries
Anniversary of the October holidays the most expensive of the Soviet people in the USSR. For many years they have established themselves of their rituals, their traditions. Each participant festive demonstration, for example, wore on his chest grasny bow, red carnation and a commemorative badge. This tradition was born on the first anniversary of the October Revolution, in 1918 one of its founders was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
From the memoirs of contemporaries, we know the joy with which Lenin took part in the revolutionary celebrations, as carefully maintained the new Soviet obychai.Kadry newsreels and photographs brought to us the first October celebration. In the Kremlin wall on the podium, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and his comrades watched a demonstration of workers' za. On the breast of Lenin and Sverdlov are clearly visible red bows. On the lapel of the leader, we again see a red bow.
Along with all he was willing to wear and revolutionary badges. Badges issued in the first decade of the October Revolution, were of particular interest. They are clearly seen historical conditions in which marked the anniversary.
For tokens, which came to the first anniversary of the October Revolution, in the center of the front of the rising sun depicted on each side - laurel branches. Above the sun the inscription: "RSFSR". At the bottom of the shield the words "Freedom of the workers." At the upper edge of token slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite". On the back the inscription: "Long Live the Worker-Peasant Soviet power. October 25, 1917. " Token diameter: 23 mm, made of brass. Fastened through, an ear to the Bantu, or tape.
Allegorichen plot pattern of unilateral bronzvogo token: topless muscular worker breaks a rock circuit. Above the inscription: "25th.". At the bottom of the dates "1917-18 was." A few badges and badges were issued to the second and third anniversaries of the October Revolution. One of them is on display in the Museum of the Revolution, the Soviet Union. On the obverse is a portrait of his party of Lenin and dated "1917-1919".
Interesting Istria badge "All power Sovtu." When the spring of 1920 it was decided that the opening ceremony of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern held in Petrograd, the question arose of making memorable: the badge for the participants. Reminded of the badge, "All power to the Council", released the Petrograd Bolshevik Committee of the RSDLP to the June 1917 demonstrations in drawing the badge, and there have been some changes, and he was born a second time, but as the delegates.